When I get up and work out, I’m working out just as much for my girls as I am for me, because I want them to see a mother who loves them dearly, who invests in them, but who also invests in herself. It’s just as much about letting them know as young women that it is OK to put yourself a little higher on your priority list.
Michelle Obama

Kenapa Mual Saat Membaca di Dalam Mobil?

N. Widiati Surya. P
Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018 | 22:20 WIB

Rasa mual yang timbul saat membaca atau bermain gadget di dalam kendaraan yang sedang melaju ternyata disebabkan oleh "kekacauan pesan" pada sistem koordinasi saraf pusat.

Penulis N. Widiati Surya. P
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