Being a parent has made me more open, more connected to myself, more happy, and more creative. I’m more discerning in what I do and how I do it. It’s just made me a better person all the way around.
Alicia Keys

Video Tips Mengurus Anak Sambil Bisnis di Rumah ala 2 Womenpreneur

Ratih Sukma Pertiwi
Selasa, 29 Januari 2019 | 19:00 WIB


Siapa bilang perempuan enggak bisa berbisnis di rumah, apalagi jika sudah memiliki anak? Dua womenpreneur sukses, Nana Arieswari dan Puty Puar, punya trik khusus mengurus anak sambil berbisnis di rumah. Yuk, simak!


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