If you have never been hated by your child, you have never been a parent.
Bette Davis

Kembali Semangat Ngantor Dengan 8 Pilihan Outer Chic Ini

Ratih Sukma Pertiwi
Selasa, 11 Juni 2019 | 13:28 WIB
Office outfit | SHUTTERSTOCK

Masih susah move on dari suasana liburan, padahal sudah harus kembali bekerja. Kembalikan semangat ngantor dengan memakai outer yang bikin tampilan semakin chic.

  • Office outfit | SHUTTERSTOCK
  • Office Outfit | SHUTTERSTOCK
  • Office outfit | SHUTTERSTOCK
  • Office outfit | SHUTTERSTOCK
  • Office Outfit | SHUTTERSTOCK
  • Office Outfit | SHUTTERSTOCK
  • Office outfit | SHUTTERSTOCK

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